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Note from Your Publisher {3/7/2019}

By Lindsay Rizzo March 7, 2019

For me, there's never another day during the year that I feel more magical than my birthday. I have to attribute this anticipation and joy to my mother, who undoubtedly did a stellar job of making me feel extra special from sun-up until my head hit the pillow on my birthday each year. I realize some of you are cringing as you read this, because you hate the spotlight and the extra attention. For the majority of us, I think we enjoy a bit of extra attention and perhaps a tiara. (Because, tiaras. End of sentence.)

Yesterday was my first-born's 5th birthday and, as exhausted as I was from a day of, well, life with 3 small children ... as soon as her head hit the pillow, I hopped aboard that energy bus and started decorating. The balloons and crepe paper up, the "I am special today" plate ready for breakfast, and anything frilly and/or pink came out to party. I could barely sleep!!! Hubs even got in on the action and left a 5-spot and some candy out. 

When she crawled into our bed at 6 AM, I had more energy than usual as I asked her if she was ready to go downstairs. Already?? Jonny didn't say it, but I could tell he was equally excited. I could tell because he was out of bed when bed was a much warmer place to be. Needless to say, we got the overjoyed response we had both been anticipating, and suddenly sleep deprivation (again) was all worth it.

Meanwhile, when October hits and my birthday approaches, I'm equally excited about my own day, just in a "perhaps I get to sleep in" kind of way. My excitement and energy has now clearly transferred to these little Rizzlets. But, not in a "I'm so selfless; look at me mom so hard" way. More of a "Man, they get so much more excited than any other human I know; let's try to see how high a squeal we can get" way. 

Don't forget to check out our Birthday Foodie Freebies guide so YOUR birthday (or birth-week) meals are magically FREE, Mama Bear.  If you're at all like me, I know it always tastes better when it's FREE and someone else made it!

Til next week, see you on Facebook.

