
Spread Joy with Random Acts of Kindness: Wk 4

Join the East County RAK Challenge. Let's show our kids how fun it is to bless others.

By Lindsay Rizzo January 15, 2020

In line or in the drive-thru, this is one of my favorite ways to show love in my community. 

This is easier-accomplished in a drive thru situation, because the cashier will have their order already. Otherwise, leaving a $5 bill at the counter (or $2 if you're at a gas station) for the next person is also an option! The idea is that that person will then pay for the coffee of the person behind THEM. If they don't, don't be disappointed... perhaps buying a coffee was outside their budget already. They were just having a really bad day and needed a pick-me-up treat, and your blessing changed their day! 

Cheaper than taking someone to lunch, this is always a winning way to get a smile out of a stranger. 

Have fun!!

Make sure you're following us on Facebook. We want to hear how you're showing love in East County!