
Spread Joy with Random Acts of Kindness: Wk 6

Join the East County RAK Challenge. Let's show our kids how fun it is to bless others.

By Lindsay Rizzo February 11, 2020

Volunteering one's time is such a wonderful virtue to pass down to our kids. Anyone can write a check or donate a box of old clothes or toys. To be giving of your time is truly above and beyond. If you love animals, this one is a great fit for you! Did you know there's a position called "cat cuddlers?!" This could be you... 

If you have terrible allergies to animals, maybe the Turtle and Tortoise Society is better suited for you. Either way, you may walk away from this experience with a new friend, paid position or hobby!

Here is a list of some places in East County and beyond who would love to host you as a volunteer!

Have fun out there!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, and share about your experience there! 

