
Spread Joy with Random Acts of Kindness: Wk 9

Join the East County RAK Challenge. Let's show our kids how fun it is to bless others.

By Lindsay Rizzo February 19, 2020

This week is super simple, as you can see. This doesn't involve sending a Facebook PM or a text. Yes, the challenge is to CALL a friend (perhaps one you haven't spoken to in ages) to check in and catch up, however briefly. Perhaps you would take it as far as to touch base with someone you drifted apart from, for one reason or another. 

Like every week, you can take it as deep as you like... Remember, it's called a "challenge" for a reason! 

Surely, you'll put a big lift in someone's day when they see your awesome name pop up on their phone! 

Go get 'em!!

Lindsay & Mac Kid Santee