
Spread Joy with Random Acts of Kindness: Wk 11

Join the East County RAK Challenge. Let's show our kids how fun it is to bless others.

By Lindsay Rizzo March 4, 2020

I can't tell you what it meant to me when people held the door open for me in the throes of my 3rd trimester. Even in the early months when I wasn't showing but was nauseous as heck... Now, as I push a double stroller or juggle a child on my hip and a diaper bag on my shoulder, this is one sure-fire way to get a big smile out of yours truly. 

Whether they are older than you, younger than you, pregnant, pushing a stroller, texting on their phone, appearing to be happy or in a bad mood... let's not discriminate this week as we serve our neighbors with this this seemingly small but extraordinarily kind gesture. 


