
Note from Your Publisher {9/11/2019}

The time is now.

By Lindsay Rizzo September 11, 2019

If you know me personally, you know my story. This family of ours is so full of miracles, I can't ignore it. While we embrace the miracles, we simply cannot ignore being intentional with our health. We never take it for granted.

I won't air out all of our trials/triumphs, but I will share with you a quick rundown about where I was in my health. 

When I was 16, I was put on synthetic hormones to regulate my system.

When I was 18, I started having fainting spells. Maybe twice a year, I'd clam up, turn grey, sweat profusely, and collapse. My family and my physician chalked it up to not having had enough to eat. 

When I was 23, I started running 2 full marathons and 1-3 half-marathons per year. I appeared on the outside to be an absolute machine. I was disciplined; I was fierce. I was also eating a steady "runners' diet" of simple carbs.

When I was about 28 (the girl you see above), I was diagnosed with poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), with a high level of androgen (or male-type) hormones, pre-diabetes, infertility and was given medication. Not what you'd expect to be going on under that athletic gear!

When I was 30, I did my first detox. A complete flush of all the synthetic hormones, processed foods and toxins that had built up in my system. In 30 days, I reversed my pre-diabetes, leveled my hormones, started my road to recovery for PCOS and I became pregnant the following month.

These are surely the cliff's notes of my journey; there's so, so much more to it! I'm happy to report that I've broken the chains of PCOS and no longer carry that diagnosis either.

Why am I telling you all of this?? I'm about to start my next 30 day detox (of many more to come!) on Monday. I know we live in a society where processed, toxic foods that lack nutritional value are readily available and highly enticing to busy parents. I am guilty! So, I plan on using this Note as a platform to bring you through my journey this month. When I check back in with you next week, I'll be on Day 3.

It's been a while since I've done this because I've been pregnant 3 times in the last 5 years, so I anticipate some amazing results both inside and out this time around. 

Thanks for being on the journey with me, and I hope this inspires you to perhaps challenge yourself to whatever it is you've been putting off... whether it be dietary or otherwise. Let's do it together. 


P.S. I would be totally remiss if I didn't take a moment to honor the victims & heroes of 9/11. 18 years ago! God bless America, and God rest their souls.