
Note from Your Publisher {10/16/2019}

I've done it...

By Lindsay Rizzo October 16, 2019

I've gone and done it.

Spoiler alert: I'm over the age of 35. That means that I haven't had an Instagram account, and I've been perfectly fine being stationary on Facebook. However! I've made the leap, and the water's just fine over at IG. If you have an account, please come follow us @mackidsantee where I promise I'll be doing some Live announcements of deals we see around town! We had a great time at Uptown Jungle on Evelyn's 3rd birthday, and we posted a whole story about it. The best part? I know what a story is now! 

So let's all head over to Instagram and drown in the abyss of rabbit-hole photos, stories and inspirational quotes, shall we??

Much love,
