
Spread Joy with Random Acts of Kindness: Wk 39

Join the East County RAK Challenge. Let's show our kids how fun it is to bless others.

By Lindsay Rizzo December 4, 2019

What a fun time of year. 

This is such an affordable, and FUN craft idea for our kids. I have a dear friend who actually takes the opportunity to plan an entire event around the kids decorating cookies. She lays out all sorts of paper, and lets the sprinkles fly.

Add colorful baggies, and you've got yourself gifts for all the teachers, neighbors, grandparents and besties at school! 

Just watch for fingers in noses... That can be a doosey.

'Til next week, be sure to follow us @mackidsantee & on Facebook, where we post these challenges each Sunday.

Have fun decorating!
