
Note from Your Publisher {2/12/2020}

Tis the season.

By Lindsay Rizzo February 12, 2020

Fresh back from Urgent Care for the second time this week; or is it third? 

Isn't it wild this time of year how chasing fevers around the house can seem like a good ol' game of whack-a-mole? Not quite as fun, mind you, but keeps you on your toes just the same.

Personally, I'm fresh out of a 7-day stint in a dark room. Sounds nice, doesn't it? It sounded nice to me about 8 days ago too. But then, from upstairs you hear the howls for "mommy," and husband is checking in to see how you're feeling (with the very clear "you NEED to get better soon" plea undertone). I have to hand it to him, my mother-in-law and my mother for taking over this home for the past week. It may not take a village to raise the kids for you, but lose your good health and all bets are off. My heart is full of gratitude today, having watched these three put their lives/plans/jobs/husbands on hold so I could recover. 

It was that flu that's going around; don't get it. Just don't get it. After 5 days of fever, and a painful cough, I also picked up a pneumonia diagnosis. This brings me to my next point. If you've ever known anyone who's had pneumonia, give them a hug. This is, hands down, the sickest I've ever been. I never realized how painful pneumonia is. I ignorantly thought it was fluid in the lungs that needed urgent treatment of course, but that cleared it up and life goes on as usual. I didn't realize it feels like your lung is in a vice. Coughing is a part of the recovery process, but that brings even more pain.

So, to anyone out there dealing with this nasty flu, pneumonia, or some other god forsaken illness right now - I'm SORRY!!!! That once vacation-sounding dark room starts to close in on you and you start to feel like you'll never leave; you begin to settle into the fact that you'll never feel well again. But this too shall pass. I pray you have good family and/or friends who will help you with the kids, and perhaps you can even muster setting foot out back to feel the sun on your face. Keep your head up, and keep slamming those probiotics!!!

Here's to your Health, 

